Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cyclocross League of British Columbia

The idea has been floating around in my head for a while now. I think we need to form an alliance of riders, organizers, sponsors and friends to help secure the use of venues in the lower mainland. By securing the key venues and helping to lobby for new ones we'll be ensuring a healthy future for the sport we love.
The group would allow us to work as a cooperative to do what it takes to keep the stake holders interested in letting us use the various venues. This may include a volunteer clean up before the event, procuring funds to donate something to the park, or simply engaging the various interested parties in how we as a group can help keep everything balanced.

The goals of the league (i mean more like a group of superheros and less like an NHL) would be:
Venue Support - work with Parks, organizers, cycling BC, communities
Promotion - through clinics, press releases, website
Rider Support - fundraising for BC riders going to Nationals and Worlds

Please post comments.


Ryan said...

How do you see this League relative to Cycling BC? It seems to me that all the key stakeholders are already members, and already coordinate closely with CBC for scheduling and officiating.

There's what, 10-15 race organizers? That's basically your CX committee right there, albeit you might want to get them to involunteer (heh) some of their helpers to do any actual committee work you have in mind.

But if you can demonstrate that such an organization would actually help with venue access, I'm pretty sure most of those organizers would be awfully happy to support this idea.

Metz said...

I cant wait, regarding prizes: just bring 'em, or ?