Monday, December 29, 2008

New Gears Day Cross Event

Well Boxing Day was a bust maybe next year. I was happy to see that the day did not go by without some cross happening at the Empire Bowl site. Thanks to the Project B.

But for New Years Day I invite you to join in on another grand cross non-event.

Event Info
Ryan Cousineau
Sports - Sporting Event
Time and Place
Thursday, January 1, 2009
11:00am - 2:00pm
NOT the Tim Horton's near Calhoun's
3102 W. Broadway
Vancouver, BC

View Map
You have probably heard a lot of rumors about the Polar Bear Cyclocross ride. As I do every year, I must emphasize that this event is NOT happening.

We will NOT be meeting at Tim's (because Calhoun's is closed New Year's Day), and participants will NOT be expected to bring their own fortified beverage in their bottle cage (Tobin (not his real name) DID NOT bring Bailey's and hot chocolate in a thermos last year, and it was NOT really nice).

As this ride is NOT sanctionable, it is recommended that you NOT wear your usual team kit. No really, don't wear your team kit. Wear, I dunno, your Rock Racing jersey, or maybe a National Champion jersey, or probably just something warm. It's Jan 1, after all.

The event will NOT involve a casual-but-stupid ride, probably riding through some of the season's CX courses like Vanier and Jericho, and will probably NOT end up heckling the Polar Bear Swim, maybe (or maybe NOT) ending with a ride through Stanley Park.

Organization is loose, and while the ride is rain-or-shine, if the weather's really bad we'll probably ride long enough to claim we had a ride, and then find some place warm to hang out. Remember, this ride is just a rumor, and it's NOT really happening.

As for Bill Werbeniuk? A world-class snooker player who had a TUE for alcohol, which was the only thing that could properly steady his hand. He would drink copious quantities of beer even during his matches. He was born in Canada, played in the UK, and retired (and died) in Pitt Meadows.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Boxing Cross Event - Dec 26, 2008 11am - Cancelled

Regretfully the event is cancelled. With only one confirmed attendee (Thanks Tobin) the event seems to have been bettered by the weather. We'll try again next year or if there is interest in doing this on News Years Day please comment.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Boxing Cross Event - Dec 26, 2008 11am - Update

Well, what do you know...snow, snow and more snow. It is beginning to look a lot like real winter in the lower mainland. I am still keen to pull this event off, but I'd like to know if we'll have the numbers. Send me a comment to let me know you're coming.

Again, bring a prize to give and something warm to donate to the Covenant House. We'll start at 11am (I will try to drive so we can have a tent and also to take the donations afterwards) if you arrive late just spin the "wheel of misfortune" and get going.

Merry Christmas,

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Boxing Cross Event - Dec 26, 2008 11am

Boxing Day is best spent racing from point to point, elbowing for space with others, getting home with some new stuff, working off the Christmas turkey, ahhh just the thing to help you through the holidays.

Introducing...Boxing Cross.
A unique cyclocross event to celebrate the season of giving by givin'r.
The event will take place at 11am at Empire Bowl on Hastings at the Cassiar junction.
The event will last for 55 minutes plus a lap for all participants.
Upon the completion of each lap each competitor will spin the "wheel of misfortune" and execute the task indicated.
Tasks will range from changing a wheel, trading a bike with the next competitor, taking off a pedal, eating and or drinking something, and other creative distractions.
The Bell will be rung to indicate the last lap upon the crossing of the line by the first rider after 55 minutes is reached. This rider would become the lead rider with one lap to go. The lead rider will carry a flag (think flag football) which must be acquired by the passing rider.
The fastest rider will probably not win. The smartest might.
You must ride to the event. Anyone arriving by car will be forced to dig a hole and sit in it for the entire event.
You must bring your own prize to contribute to the prize pool.
You must bring a piece of warm clothing to be donated to the Covenant House of Vancouver.
This is an unsanctioned ride, you must be willing to assume all risks associated to riding a bike with other people. You must yield to all other park users.
No one is organizing this activity.
It is a coincidence of convenience that we all show up at the same spot looking to do the same thing.
Comments please.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cyclocross League of British Columbia

The idea has been floating around in my head for a while now. I think we need to form an alliance of riders, organizers, sponsors and friends to help secure the use of venues in the lower mainland. By securing the key venues and helping to lobby for new ones we'll be ensuring a healthy future for the sport we love.
The group would allow us to work as a cooperative to do what it takes to keep the stake holders interested in letting us use the various venues. This may include a volunteer clean up before the event, procuring funds to donate something to the park, or simply engaging the various interested parties in how we as a group can help keep everything balanced.

The goals of the league (i mean more like a group of superheros and less like an NHL) would be:
Venue Support - work with Parks, organizers, cycling BC, communities
Promotion - through clinics, press releases, website
Rider Support - fundraising for BC riders going to Nationals and Worlds

Please post comments.